• Bachelor Degree

  • Bachelor Degree

    In a constructive global marketplace, it is advised to look beyond the four walls in order to stay ahead of our peers. This is possible when the younger generation is exposed to a global environment and a unique curriculum. A study aboard program gives students an opportunity to nurture their interests, discover latest educational platforms and get involved in the diverse culture. Many countries have understood the growing needs of international students and thus, encourage them into higher academic programs. Canada has earned a reputation for its high quality of teaching and research and is currently among one of the leaders in education. There are over 90 universities here which are proven to provide some of the best graduates.


    Undergraduate Programs In Canada

    Education Levels in Canada

    • In Canada, once students complete their secondary schooling or high school, they are eligible to apply for a post-secondary education. This could be either a Bachelor's Degree or Certificate and Diploma courses. A typical undergraduate program lasts for two to three years, depending on the chosen disciplines. For example, a professional course such as Medicine, Paralegal and Nursing would require three to four years while that on Social sciences, Arts and History is restricted to two years. In case of foreign students, extra credits might be required to complete the curriculum.
    • The country, Canada, has a few private colleges and universities that are not recommended as they are less reputed compared to the public institutions. A Bachelor's Degree in Canada is usually offered only in universities and not in graduate schools.
    Eligibility Criteria
    • To enroll for any undergraduate degree, students have to produce copies of their high school scores including common entrance test results.
    • A few universities state that applicants should hold a college diploma in a foreign language such as French, if their first language is not English. Checking with the head of admissions is advised.
    • International students are required to have a study permit from the Canadian Embassy that authorizes the educational program selected.
    • Most public colleges and universities offering a Bachelor's Degree are governed by the Federal or State Government; different provinces of Canada have varied eligibility requirements that need to be considered.
    Under Graduate Degree In Canada
    Some of the excellent universities that provide an under graduate/Bachelor's Degree in Canada are:
    • University of Toronto offers a list of courses in vast fields such as Commerce, Management, Computer Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Life Sciences, Engineering and Music and so on.
    • The University of British Columbia is one of the oldest educational institutions that provide students with the best possible amenities. Being a research university, it is good option for science students to pursue their higher studies here.
    • University of Waterloo is equipped with a reputed teaching staff, student friendly atmosphere and technologically advanced facilities for both undergraduate and graduate courses in different subjects.
    Student testimonial

    Carleton University: Bachelor in Engineering (2002)
    Director, AV Sales, Tacker Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    Amit Tacker from India

    For my higher education I was looking for a place that would expose me to a great mix of quality education, culture & social policies. That is when I came across Canada. All of these factors were reaffirmed when I started my Engineering studies at Carleton University located in the “Silicon Valley” of the North. My time in Canada has allowed me to professionally serve my diverse customer base in India today, and my education has helped me stay current at work.



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    Last Updated: 17 June 2012
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