• Airport pickup


    Airport Pickup

    Arriving in Australia

    Institutions can arrange to meet you at the airport. However if by chance there is no one to meet you, remember the most important thing - DO NOT PANIC!  Go to the service desk of your airline and ask them to contact the emergency number you have been given. 



    Customs and Immigration

    Upon arrival you will be required to fill out a customs declaration form detailing some of the items you are bringing into the country. This is a legal document and any false declaration can lead to prosecution. On disembarkation go to the Immigration Checkpoint and after completing the formalities collect your baggage from the moving carousel designated to you flight. Proceed with your baggage to customs for inspection. If you do not have any items to declare, then you could just pass through the green channel.

    Australian Quarantine

    You will be given an Incoming Passenger Card on the aircraft before arrival, which you should complete and handover to the officials on ground.


    Finally, now that you have arrived in Australia proceed to your final destination, settle in, work hard and don't forget to have fun...

    Just remember that we are only a phone call away, so if you have any problems use the emergency numbers to contact us.

    We hope that you have a very enjoyable time while you are studying in Australia.

    Remember that all Australian Universities have International Offices that are staffed with people who are there to help you. If you have any concerns relating to your study or well-being they are your first point of contact.




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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