• Open University Malaysia



    Open University Malaysia-Science



    The Faculty of Science and Technology was established on 1 September 2007 after the combination form Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering and Technical Studies. The Faculty was set up with the objective of providing tertiary education opportunities in the field of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology and Education to increase the number of qualified people contributing towards a knowledge-based economy.

    Learners in the Faculty of Science and Technology have access to qualified, experienced and dedicated staff who takes student learning earnestly and passionately. In addition to acquiring knowledge, learners develop problem-solving and communication skills as an integral part of the learning process. Practice-oriented, problem and project based approaches are employed in the delivery of the curriculum. Learners are immersed in the experiential-based learning activities to incorporate group work in assignments and projects. In general, learners are provided with knowledge and training in both the theory and practice.



    • Undergraduate
    • Postgraduate



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    Last Updated: 02 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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