• Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman



    Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Engineering




    Faculty of Engineering And Green Technology

    The Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) is entrusted with a mission to provide high-quality undergraduate and graduate education, conduct leading-edge basic and applied research, and support and enhance the profession of engineering and green technology through its education, research and service activities.

    FEGT aspires to play a central role as the new knowledge provider of basic and applied aspects of engineering and green technology. The Faculty is devoted to providing high quality undergraduate and postgraduate programmes which will in turn produce qualified, skilful, knowledgeable and well-informed engineers, committed to pursuing knowledge in the frontiers of science.



    • Department of Construction Management
    • Department of Electronic Engineering
    • Department of Environmental Engineering
    • Department of Industrial Engineering
    • Department of Petrochemical Engineeing





    Faculty of Engineering and Science (Kuala Lumpur Campus)

    The faculty was established in 2004 beginning with 3 programmes in Bachelor Degree of Science (Hons) and 1 programme in Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), and since then, the faculty has grown continuously with the expansion of programmes from 4 to 19 until today. Currently, the faculty offers 7 programmes in Bachelor Degree of Science (Hons), 9 programmes in Bachelor of Engineering (Hons), and 3 post-graduate programmes, namely Master of Science, Master of Engineering Science and Doctor of Philosophy.

    The presence of engineering and science programmes in the campus has placed the faculty in an unique position in the Malaysia higher education where the cross discipline of intellectual exchange between engineering and science is nothing more encouraging and flexible than ever.  This paves the foundation of the faculty in fostering the interdisciplinary R&D which we strongly believe it shall be the key of success to achieve academic excellence and subsequently for UTAR to realise its aspiration to become a premier university.



    • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering
    • Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering
    • Department of Chemical Engineering
    • Department of Mechatronics and BioMedical Engineering
    • Department of Built Environment
    • Department of Mathematical and Actuarial Sciences
    • Department of Internet Engineering and Computer Science








    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 24 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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