• Al-Madinah International University



    Al-Madinah International University-Education




    The establishment of the faculty of Education coincides with the vision of the establishment of Al-Madinah International University, with the aim of having an excellent and very well established faculty that caters for both theoretical and practical fields of knowledge. The dream to establish this faculty became true in 2009 when this faculty begun to exist as an educational body in the university, though not fully functioning due to the preparation of its academic and educational programs, expected to be endorsed by Al Madinah International University’ Academic board and thereafter the Malaysian Ministry of Education in the near future.

    The faculty is confident that from its postgraduate programs to be offered will enhance the concept between the cosmic and Islamic sciences and will coin this enhancement in a modern educational system that places the Islamic tradition in proper proportions with modern educational ideologies.









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    Last Updated: 25 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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