• Al-Madinah International University



    Al-Madinah International University


    The Faculty of Finance and Administrative Sciences was established in July 2008 after obtaining official approval from the Ministry of High Education in Malaysia.



     Since that time  The faculty was providing academic programs of excellence in  financial, administrative and economics, to supplement the process of development and building cultural elements of the leadership efficient scientifically , administratively and technically, to cope with the spirit of the age and the interaction with its innovation in the appropriate time and place, and in the context of the balance of spiritual and material support to scientific programs and academic for the formulation of the methodology of integrated and a clear vision for students studying in order to improve their skills and  approach, the edges of the front of the future in the present moment.








    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 19 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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