• UCSI University



    UCSI University-Science


    The Faculty of Applied Sciences was formed in 1999 and since its inception, has distinguished itself as a leader in the field, offering highly-prized Credit Transfer Programmes for the Bachelor of Applied Sciences degrees. Our students have moved on to reputable international universities to complete their final year studies and distinguished themselves by graduating with high distinctions. Some have been cited in the Dean’s Lists of various universities.

    As a premier educational institution, we now offer UCSI University degrees in Biotechnology and Food Science and Nutrition.

    UCSI University’s own Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biotechnology has a distinct advantage over other similar local degrees as it provides well-rounded training in major areas of Biotechnology, in line with Malaysia’s aspirations to produce quality scientific personnel for biotechnology research and academic institutions, as well as for the commercial biotechnology industry.

    Our Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Food Science and Nutrition programme is uniquely designed to provide students with a combined knowledge of food and nutritional sciences, to integrate the study of the role of nutrients in the human body and its chemical composition, in addition to the physical, biological and biochemical behaviour of food materials. It also includes the study of microorganisms involved in food deterioration, the interaction of food components with one another, and the principles underlying the processing and preparation of foods.

    The Faculty of Applied Sciences prides itself in having purpose-built, state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, as well as highly-qualified academic staff.






    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 02 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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