• UCSI University



    UCSI University-Medicine



    Malaysia's first medical school had its humble beginnings at University Malaya in 1963, followed by the country's second Medical school at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1973. Six years later, Universiti Sains Malaysia started Malaysia's third Medical school in 1979.

    In the nineties, four medical schools were established in the country, two by the government at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, and at Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, which subsequently changed its name to University Putra Malaysia, and two by the private sector, at the International Islamic University, which eventually moved to Kuantan, Pahang, and another at The International Medical College, which eventually became the International.

    Now, with more than 20 medical schools, both public and private, and a few more in the pipeline, there are more opportunities for Malaysians to study medicine at reasonable costs within the local environment without compromising standards. Internationally, the cost of medical education in the last decade, has spiraled.






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    Last Updated: 29 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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