• Pahang




    Pahang is the third largest state in Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia. Its state capital is Kuantan. The physical geography can be broken into roughly three sections: the highlands, the rainforest, and the coastal areas.



    The Highlands are a popular destination for those who want to enjoy the cool weather and appreciate nature. Cameron Highlands, with its cool climate, is home to many tea plantations and Genting Highlands is famous for its theme park and houses Malaysia’s only casino. The rainforest in Pahang is estimated to be about 130 million years old. Malaysia’s most famous national park Taman Negara is in the state of Pahang. The park is home to a myriad of flora and fauna and is high on the itinerary of tourists seeking an experience of the rainforest. Pahang has some famous island including Tioman Island rich with extensive coral reef systems.

    Below are links to some colleges and universities in the State of Pahang:


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    Last Updated: 06 October 2012
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