• Graduate Certificate & Diploma

  • Graduate Certificate & Diploma
    Canada’s high academic standards and rigorous quality controls mean that you’ll be earning a high-quality education that will open doors for your future and benefit your career over the long term. A Canadian degree, diploma or certificate is globally recognized as being equivalent to those obtained from the United States or Commonwealth countries.Graduate certificate or diploma programs are programs that normally require at least a bachelor's degree for entry. Educational activities in these programs can be counted towards a master's degree or a doctoral degree.

    Certificate programs

    • prepare students for entry into specific occupations
    • generally require one year or less of full-time study at a college or technical institute, and are also available through part-time programs
    • require completion of some high school studies (often specified grade levels and subjects) for admission


    • Universities also offer a variety of certificate programs. University-level certificate programs may require high school graduation, some post-secondary education or mature student status for admission.

    Diploma programs

    • prepare students for employment in a particular field or group of occupations
    • generally involve two years of full-time, applied study at a college or technical institute
    • require high school graduation (often with specified grades and subjects) for admission


    • Many colleges also offer general studies or liberal arts programs at the diploma level.
    • University-level diploma programs require one year of academic study or equivalent beyond a bachelor's degree and may be applicable to related master's degree programs.

    Applied Degree programs

    • provide enhanced career preparation that combines theoretical approaches to learning with elements of practical application, providing a broader range of career and employment opportunities beyond entry-level in an industry
    • are offered by some public colleges and technical institutes
    • are four-year programs (usually a two-year diploma plus two additional years) consisting of six semesters (about three years) of academic studies and at least two semesters (about one year) of related paid, supervised work experience in the industry
    • have admission requirements that may be similar to those of diploma programs. Completion of a related diploma program may be a prerequisite for admission to an applied degree program.
    Student testimonial

    Julia Zhu from China

    George Brown College: Diploma, Hospitality Operations Management
    Sommelier, Beijing Hilton Hotel

    Having an exciting experience and seeing another part of the world became my mission when I first moved to Canada.  I became so interested in the hospitality industry that I enrolled in the Hospitality Operations Management program at George Brown College and ended up studying with the Canadian Association of Professional Sommelier where I became certified after 2+ years. I have been working with wine at various Hilton hotels ever since.

    I cannot underestimate the influence that Canada had on me. I am grateful to the Canadian education system for shaping who I am and for the totally different life path I’m on because of my experiences.



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    Last Updated: 17 June 2012
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