• Internship Programs

  • Internship Programs

    Many universities, colleges and vocational training institutes are recognizing the importance for international students and are thus, relaxing the rigid regulations in the education system. Not just regular fulltime courses but even internship programs are becoming a popular choice among students. Most training programs are considered a new-age formula to equip students with the expertise to work in a global environment. There are several organizations that specialize in arranging internships in various fields such as Trade and Commerce, Medicine, Technology, Environment, and Humanitarian and so on. The duration of such programs could range from a month to two years. Candidates who undergo these internships in Canada develop analytical skills, teamwork abilities, leadership,flexibility,decision making and communications.


    International Internships In Canada

    Internship programs for international students aim to provide opportunity and knowledge. As the rules for these trainings are quite stringent, students must keep in the mind their financial statuses and interests before enrolling.


    • If students plan to enroll in an internship they will have to first apply for a work permit as this is mandatory for all non-Canadian citizens.
    • Another statutory requirement for most employees is to obtain a Social Insurance Number, irrespective of nature and duration of work. This is necessary as the employer cannot credit salary unless this number is produced.
    • Before accepting the job, it is best to read the basic rights that one is entitled to in the working environment. The Employment Standards Act clearly states these standards, the minimum wages, illnesses, working hours and safety measures.
    • International students who have undergone higher education for a minimum period of 8 months are entitled to participate in postgraduate work programs.
    • In Canada, it is essential that an employer confirms that there is no skilled Canadian citizen who is appropriate for the same position, under the guidelines of HRSDC.
    The list of categories specified below permits international students employment without seeking consent from the Human Resources and Skill Development, Canada.

    Work on-Campus
    Foreign candidates who hold a legitimate study permit can work on-campus. But, in most cases, this option is restricted only to full-time students who are completing their post-secondary program. For this, students may not require a work permit too. For more information, it is advisable to check with the university head responsible for job opportunities. Certain universities in Canada have special work programs for foreign students. For example, the University of Western ontario holds an International Student Work opportunities Program exclusively for these aspirants.

    Working off-Campus
    There are certain jobs that a foreign student is entitled to off the campus. Although they may not be related to the specific field of study, this counts as valuable work experience. one of the ways to look for off-campus jobs is to go through the website listing and stay in touch with contacts. Some companies allow students to approach them directly and attend interviews.

    Combined Internship Programs
    There are certain courses that require students to have a certain number of years of work experience, as a part of the curriculum. In such cases, foreign students are permitted to work on or off campus. Internship programs form 50% of the total study where students submit a letter from the faculty stating it to be an essential part of the program.

    Job Assistance
    For detailed information or assistance on jobs, individuals can approach their respective student centers and learn more about existing work programs. Generally such places have job listings both on and off campus. Some universities have specified web portals that give out detailed information on jobs, internship programs and prospective employers.

    If you plan to undertake internship programs in Canada, then you must be well-prepared with standard procedures. Each province in a Canada has a certain variation on the regulations laid down for international students undertaking internship programs.



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    Last Updated: 17 June 2012
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