• Boarding Schools

  • Boarding Schools

    In Canada, boarding school has become a real viable alternative in the private school sector. Whether a Canadian citizen or international student, Canadian boarding schools offer a specialized educational system devoted to the social and intellectual advancement of their students. Students and faculty thrive in this type of intentional community, co-existing in a social environment that fosters independence and mutual dignity. Each province within Canada is governed by a provincial educational authority, therefore it is important when choosing a boarding school in Canada that this be considered before enrollment. For example, language requirements will differ between Quebec and Saskatchewan, while the compulsory age of schooling is until 17 years of age in Manitoba and 18 in New Brunswick.


    Canadian boarding schools normally have extensive facilities for academic, artistic and athletic learning, depending on their type and in what subject they specialize. Operating hours of these facilities cater to the students attending the school, making them not only more accessible to them, but also safer than those that are off premises. And being a country that embraces advancements in technology, the latest computers and the availability of other modern technical equipment is standard in all schools. But what if the Canadian boarding school you're considering lacks a specific facility that you're looking for? No problem! With the leadership of the faculty and in organized field trips, students can continue learning beyond the walls of the classroom as they partake in all the natural and cultural splendor Canada has to offer.

    The Boarding School Advantage

    Modern boarding schools blend valuable traditions with exciting programs, amazing facilities and tons of opportunity for fun. Here’s what past graduates have said are the top advantages:

    You’ll have fun! Living on a campus with your best friends, trying new things, and being exposed to different cultures, activities, and people is a blast. CAIS boarding school students say that the most valuable part of their boarding school experience is the memories they make with their friends, coaches, and teachers. 

    At Canadian Boarding Schools, it’s cool to be smart. School will be challenging – but in a good way. CAIS boarding schools offer academic programs that are designed to challenge students, so that they are ready for the next step in their education. But don’t worry, you’ll have help every step of the way, thanks to smaller class sizes, passionate faculty, and extensive resources. 

    You’ll make friendships that will last forever. Graduates of Canadian boarding schools say that the friends they made while living on campus are ones they will have forever. Trying new things, studying for exams together, winning the gold medal game, or performing in the school musical are experiences made even better by the residence life component of a boarding school education. 

    You’ll be ahead of the game for university! Becoming responsible for yourself is a skill that is learned and cultivated in a boarding school environment. By the time you arrive at the university of your choice, you will therefore be ready to tackle the challenges and will have a leg up on other students in first year. 

    You’ll expand your horizons. Boarding schools actively recruit students from a wide range of geographic, racial and socio-economic backgrounds. As a result, you will gain a wide network of international friends by the time you graduate. This makes traveling really fun later in life, when you get the chance to go and visit friends all over the world!

    You’ll become part of a proud community… for life. It may not seem as important now, but attending boarding school will be an experience you will treasure for the rest of your life. Canadian boarding schools have rich histories, and the students that graduate from our schools become proud alumni who continue to be enthusiastic supporters of their alma maters. It is the shared experience of tradition and heritage that bonds alumni from our schools together, and creates the feeling of community that will last a lifetime.



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 17 June 2012
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