• Western Australia Schools



    Western Australia Schools

    Education and Training International (ETI) is the Registered Training Organisation and international business development arm of the Western Australian government's Department of Training and Workforce Development.

    ETI's primary mission is to successfully recruit international students and deliver courses though Western Australia's public institutions and government primary and secondary schools. ETI also offers courses through flexible learning to people living on other Australian States. ETI has a commercial business branch, provides international project services and fosters strategic international alliances with national and international education and training providers.


    Education and Training International is unable to offer students on-campus accommodation within the city of Perth. They do have on-campus accommodation at some of our regional campuses including Albany, Geraldton and Bunbury.

    For students studying in Perth it is recommended that they initially book temporary hotel or hostel accommodation for their first week. There are many inexpensive hostels located across Perth.  During their first week in Perth the student can meet with the International Student Counsellor at their college and that person will assist them with identifying a suitable apartment or house located in one of the suburbs near their college. Because they have hundreds of students arriving at the start of each semester it is common for several students to choose to share an apartment together. Alternatively students can visit the Real Estate Institute of WAwhich lists the details of all the rental accommodation that is available in each suburb. 

    A typical three bedroom apartment or house in Perth is currently renting at $A350 per week which equates to roughly $A120 per student per week in rent. Students are also normally required to pay one months rent in advance as a refundable bond. Students also need to budget for electricity, gas and phone costs.

    Homestay Accommodation, Guardianship and Airport Pickup Procedure

    Education and Training International uses the Australian Homestay Network (AHN) to manage its airport pickup and homestay arrangements. For a full description of their services and fees as well as to register online please visit AHN. Homestay is when students choose to live with an Australian family. This is very popular because students make Australian friends, embrace the Australian lifestyle and culture and improve their English level very quickly. Homestay costs $235 per week for students 18 years and over, $245 per week for students under 18. There is also a homestay placement fee of $200. You are allocated your own bedroom and it includes breakfast and dinner during the week and all your meals on the weekends. It also includes your laundry, snacks, electricity and gas.  If requested AHN can pick the student up from the airport at a cost of $90 and take them direct to the homestay family.

    For students under 18 years of age once AHN has identified a homestay family they will give these details to Education and Training International and ETI will issue the Welfare Letter the student will need to include in their student visa application.  Sometimes parents have distant relatives or friends in Perth that they would like their child (under 18) to live with.  For this to be approved AHN will need to visit the home and ensure it is suitable and appropriate for the child.  AHN will then list them as an approved homestay family and inform ETI.  Only then will ETI issue the Welfare Letter.




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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