• Anglia Ruskin University, Business


    Business at Anglia Ruskin University


    Their striking and award-winning business school building in Chelmsford as well as the new built in Cambridge offer the most advanced learning technologies. LAIBS is well-recognised as a centre for business education and training by students, employers and professional bodies alike. What makes them stand out is that they are determined to root their courses in the real world of business. They are helping to develop the next generation of business practitioners and thinkers.




    The 21st century is a natural time to be more sharply focused on the future and the opportunities it presents. Here at the Lord Ashcroft International Business School, they have planned exciting and flexible programmes which address the present and future needs of organisations.

    All their programmes of study have been designed to ensure flexibility, choice and relevance. Their business courses are structured to encourage students to develop their creativity enterprise and problem-solving abilities as part of a wide range of relevant work skills that will make them attractive to potential employers. They place a high priority on the quality of their teaching and have an enviable reputation for preparing students for employment in an increasingly competitive, international environment.


    Cambridge Department

    At Cambridge a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses are offered as well as a number suitable for experienced managers who wish to enhance and develop their management skills and knowledge.

    As a world famous academic centre, Cambridge offers an ideal environment for study and the opportunity to sample the wealth of culture Britain has to offer, with its quality theatres, cinemas, museums and art galleries.


    Chelmsford Department

    The vision for their multidisciplinary department is driven by their University's vision, amongst other things to take university education in imaginative new directions and in so doing be important to the region and be viewed in the UK and internationally as exceptional. The vision of their department is also informed by the aspirations of the Business School in the context of being a leading practice based business and management provider in the UK.

    Student testimonial
    Student Testimonial I have found the course at Anglia Ruskin very interesting. The modules studied were interesting and challenging and the benefits to my working life have been significant, with much of the class based learning involving discussion and task based activities. Studying units from all the different areas of business enabled me and the other group members to better appreciate the different facets of the business environment in an holistic way. The group was very diverse, and the skills and backgrounds of all the different members enriched the studies and often led to some lively debates.






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    Last Updated: 04 February 2013
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