• University of Kent, Business


    Business at University of Kent


    They have over 21 years' experience of delivering high quality international business degrees and their students graduate with specialist expertise to meet the challenges of today’s businesses. Their global research excellence underpins and enhances all of our teaching, as evidenced in their programmes which deliver real world skills and practices that employers demand, combined with strong links and connections to international and European organisations, which together provide a unique and truly international business education.





    Their vision is to be a forward-looking Business School with global reach, creating stimulating research and learning environments, working with individuals and organisations to unlock innovation within our regional, national and international communities.




    Postgraduate Taught

    Student testimonial
    Student Testimonial I definitely picked the right course; it’s working towards where I’d like to be in life. I want to go into the advertising or marketing sector and this course will definitely give me the right skills to pursue that goal.”

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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 04 February 2013
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