• Secondary Education



    Secondary Education

    Australia is a popular secondary education destination for international students. Not only does Australia offer quality, internationally recognised education, it also provides a safe, comfortable and multicultural environment. Secondary education in Australia aims to provide skills for your future study, employment and life in Australia or anywhere in the world.

    Courses and qualifications

    Australia’s secondary schools have a national curriculum that was developed to ensure high academic standards in all Australian schools. The different states and territories of Australia do have individual systems of secondary education, but all conform to the same high standards required by the national curriculum. For a school to be accredited to accept international students it must provide, or have access to, specialist English language programs.

    Across the different states and territories, the Year 12 (final year) qualification is known as:



    Name of Year 12 qualification

    Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

    ACT Year 12 Certificate

    New South Wales (NSW)

    NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC)

    Northern Territory (NT)

    Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)

    Queensland (QLD)

    Queensland Certificate of Education

    South Australia (SA)

    South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)

    Tasmania (TAS)

    Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)

    Victoria (VIC)

    Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
    Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

    Western Australia (WA)

    Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)


    Different secondary schools offer varying elective subjects and areas of specialisation, but all provide subjects in eight key learning areas: English, mathematics, society and the environment, science, the arts, economics, technology, and health and physical education.

    In addition to the subjects offered, it’s a good idea to research the school’s focus and extracurricular activities to help you find the school most suited to your needs and interests.

    Average tuition costs

    Secondary school fees for international students vary widely, from AUD$6000 to AUD$30,000 at an elite private school. It is important to check specific tuition costs with individual schools.

    Entry requirements

    Entry requirements vary throughout Australia. The selection process involves consideration of the applicant’s academic record and proven ability, along with other factors that may include sporting achievement and other extracurricular accomplishments.

    Further study

    The successful completion of secondary school allows students to apply for entry to further education but it does not guarantee a place. Entry into most Australian higher education courses is on a competitive basis, for both international and local students.



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    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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