





    The TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world, recognized by more than 8,000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries. Wherever you want to study, the TOEFL test can help you get there. More than 8,000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries rely on TOEFL® test scores to help make admissions decisions. You can take the TOEFL test at your choice of more than 4,500 conveniently located test sites in more than 165 countries worldwide. You also save time and money since the entire test is given in one day, rather than coming back a second day like some other tests.


    The TOEFL test helps prove you have the English skills you will actually use in an academic classroom. In the test, you may read a passage from a textbook and listen to a lecture and then speak or write in response, just like you would in a classroom. Because the test is composed of 100% academic questions and tasks, many universities consider it the most appropriate test to use when making admissions decisions. Sure, you can take a test with a Speaking interview, but what if your interviewer has a bad day and rates you lower than you deserve? With the TOEFL test, there's no doubt your score is more objective and reliable, because Speaking responses are recorded and evaluated by three to six ETS raters rather than only one rater from a local testing site.

    TOEFL test scores help you stand out because of the TOEFL test's reputation for quality, fairness and 100% academic composition. It is the most widely accepted English-language test in the world, including more than 8,000 colleges, universities, agencies and other institutions in 130 countries. And that list includes the top 100 universities in the world. By sending TOEFL scores to your selected university, you will be proving that you are ready for academic success.

    About the TOEFL iBT Test

    The TOEFL iBT test, administered via the Internet, is an important part of your journey to study in an English-speaking country. In addition to the test, the ETS TOEFL Program provides tools and guides to help you prepare for the test and improve your English-language skills. The TOEFL iBT test measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level. And it evaluates how well you combine your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks. There are two formats for the TOEFL test. The format you take depends on the location of your test center. Most test takers take the TOEFL iBT test. Test centers that do not have Internet access offer the Paper-based Test (PBT).

    Each year, nearly a million individuals of all ages take the TOEFL test to demonstrate their English-language proficiency. More than 25 million people from all over the world have taken the TOEFL test since it was first offered. The average English skill level ranges between Intermediate and Advanced.

    • Students planning to study at a higher education institution
    • English-language learning program admissions and exit
    • Scholarship and certification candidates
    • English-language learners who want to track their progress
    • Students and workers applying for visas

    More than 8,000 colleges, agencies and other institutions in over 130 countries accept TOEFL scores. Other organizations rely on TOEFL scores as well:

    • Immigration departments use them to issue residential and work visas
    • Medical and licensing agencies use them for professional certification purposes
    • Individuals use them to measure their progress in learning English

    Your scores are based on your performance on the questions in the test. You must answer at least one question each in the Reading and Listening sections, write at least one essay, and complete at least one Speaking task to receive an official score. For the TOEFL iBT® test, administered via the Internet, you will receive four scaled section scored and a total score:

    • Reading Section (Score of: 0–30)
    • Listening Section (Score of: 0–30)
    • Speaking Section (Score of: 0–30)
    • Writing Section (Score of: 0–30)
    • Total Score (0–120)

    In addition to your scores, your official score record also includes performance feedback that is a reflection of your performance level and a description of the kinds of tasks that test takers within the reported score range can typically do. There is no passing or failing TOEFL score; individual higher education institutions and agencies set their own score requirements. TOEFL scores are valid for two years after the test date and there is no limit to the number of times you can take the test.



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    Last Updated: 22 March 2013
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