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Melbourne Pharmacy
Pharmacy at Melbourne University | |||
The Department of Pharmacology is within the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences and is responsible for the teaching of undergraduate students of Dentistry, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Optometry, Science and Veterinary Science. | | ||
Postgraduate research programs leading to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science are also offered. Members of the department are actively involved in research, particularly in the pharmacology of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, respiratory pharmacology and molecular pharmacology. There is also a focus on information technology with development of multimedia teaching methods. There are strong links with the pharmaceutical industry via collaborative research programs. Research within the department attracts funding from industry and government. | |||
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Undergraduate StudiesStructure of a Pharmacology major First year: Students should have successfully completed level 1 courses in Chemistry AND Biology (combined value of 37.5 points) Second year: Pharmacology: How Drugs Work* (sem 2) Third year: Drugs: From Discovery to Market (sem 1) & Drugs in Biomedical Experiments (sem 1 or 2) And one of the following: Drug Treatment of Disease (sem 2) or Drugs Affecting the Nervous System (sem 2) a third year subject in one of the following disciplines: Anatomy and Cell Biology; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Chemistry**; Microbiology and Immunology; Neuroscience; Pathology; Physiology; or Zoology. Bachelor of Biomedicine (Honours) Course Code (BH-BMED): To be eligible to apply for entry to the Bachelor of Biomedicine (Honours) course, students must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Biomedicine undergraduate degree at The University of Melbourne. Bachelor of Science (Honours) Course Code (BH-SCI): This course is available to students from The University of Melbourne whose Undergraduate degree was a course other than the Bachelor of Biomedicine AND to students whose Undergraduate studies were completed at another institution. Research Higher Degrees in PharmacologyUpon completion of the BSc (Hons), BBioM (Hons) or MSc (BHS) degree students achieving high grades may be accepted to undertake postgraduate studies toward the MPhil (two year study) or PhD (three years study) degrees. Candidates for these degrees may also be graduates of Science or Medicine from other Universities in Australia and overseas. The student conducts research in the laboratory of a member of the Academic staff and becomes a member of the research team. | |||
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