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Fees and Donations
Fees and Donations for New Zealand Secondary Schools
School donations and fees vary depending on the type of school. There is no charge for primary and secondary education at state and state-integrated schools for children aged 5-19 years who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. However state-integrated schools can charge fees called ‘attendance dues’ for property costs or building maintenance.
Independent and private schools receive limited funding from the government and therefore charge a set fee per term or per year. Fees should be clearly set out in any prospectus or enrolment information.
Other costs
Schools may ask for donations towards running the school.
All schools will ask you to provide stationery (eg, exercise books, folders, pens, pencils etc). Some primary schools and most intermediate and secondary schools have a policy that all enrolled students must wear a school uniform. School uniform costs vary and you will be expected to pay for the uniform. Ask your school for what your child needs and where you can get it.
Schools may also charge fees for take home items, activities or events that enhance but are not essential to teaching the curriculum – as long as they tell you beforehand and you agree to pay these.
Schools often arrange opportunities for students to experience learning outside the classroom, and may ask for money to pay for school trips. Talk to your son or daughter’s classroom/subject teacher or the school principal if you have any concerns about fees charged by the school.
For more information, please contact one of our offices
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