• University of Dundee,Computing


    Computing at University of Dundee



    The ability to be both aspirational and down-to earth, to blend ground-breaking intellectual achievement with practical applications, has given the University its distinctive character. There have been many changes since the University became an independent institution in 1967 following a 70 year relationship with the University of St Andrews but the fundamental aims remain.






    BSc Applied Computing

    Applied Computing is a revitalised version of traditional computing: computing with a contemporary real-world approach.

    BSc Applied Computing: Human Computer Interaction

    BSc Business Computing

    Business Computing = software development skill + business know-how + legal proficiency + professional attitudes + independence and confidence to respond to, or introduce, or shape advances in I.T. in the commercial world.

    BSc Computing Science

    Computing scientists do not deal with just the hardware that runs software, or just the organization that makes use of the information that computing can provide. They care about everything in between those areas. They design and develop all types of software from the large banking system which allows money to be sent internationally, to the small bit of software which identifies your iPod when you attach it to your laptop.

    Postgraduate Courses

    Student testimonial

    Shazia Akbar, from Dundee, graduated in 2011 in BSc in Applied Computing

    “Dundee University is a highly respected institution which has a great reputation for computing. The resources and materials within the School of Computing are fantastic and the city itself is beautiful, with loads of activities available for students on campus.”



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    Last Updated: 13 March 2013
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