• CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)


    CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)

    Cambridge English: Proficiency, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), is the most advanced exam, for learners who have achieved an extremely high level of skill in the English language.

    CPE exam uses real-life situations that are especially designed to help you communicate more effectively and learn the language skills you need to function at the very highest levels of professional and academic life.

    It was the world’s first public English examination designed for speakers of other languages at this level. Employers, universities and government departments around the world have trusted and accepted Cambridge English: Proficiency for almost 100 years. Your certificate is proof of your ability to use English with fluency and sophistication at a level approaching that of a native speaker.

    Once you have earned a Cambridge English certificate, you hold one of the most valuable English qualifications in the world.

    Do this test if you really love English. If you pass this test your English is good enough for you to teach English to others. Your English will be good enough to study at any British university. Over 45,000 people in more than 80 countries take the CPE exam each year.

    The test has five sections:

    1. Reading - 4 parts, 90 minutes
    2. Composition - 2 tasks, 2 hours
    3. Use of English - 90 minutes
    4. part 1: text with 15 gaps
    5. part 2: word formation
    6. part 3: gapped sentences
    7. part 1: 4 passages with multiple choice questions
    8. part 2: 1 long passage with gapped text
    9. Listening - 3 or 4 recordings, 40 minutes
    10. Interview - normally with another candidate, 15 minutes

    A, B, C (pass), D, E or U (fail)


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 07 November 2012
    Editor: Negar Zandipour
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