• University of Dundee, Medicine


    Medicine at University of Dundee

    University of Dundee School of Medicine

    Dundee is an excellent place to study medicine, both for the high quality of the teaching programme and for the facilities available. Problem-orientated, student-centred and community-based, their medical course closely follows recommendations for 'Tomorrow's Doctors' made by the professional governing body for medicine in the UK, the General Medical Council.



    A leading UK medical school that offers an exciting and challenging curriculum; with full integration of motivated and empowered University and NHS staff; working with students in a modern and supportive environment; a school that fits students to work where-ever they wish in tomorrow's NHS, and enables those students with aptitude and interest the opportunity to develop an academic career.

    A research profile which is focused and strategically led; which utilizes the complementary strengths in e-health, informatics, public health and laboratory science to address important health issues for the Scottish population, and which provides synergy with their undergraduate teaching efforts.


    Undergraduate Studies

    Undergraduate medical education at Dundee has an international reputation for excellence and innovation. Students have the opportunity to benefit from a course that combines high quality teaching in the basic biomedical sciences that underpin medical practice with advanced opportunities to learn clinical skills in a dedicated environment that is highly valued by their trainees. The medical course at Dundee has consistently come at the head of surveys that identify how well medical graduates are trained for subsequent clinical careers.

    Postgraduate Studies

    The school offers a wide range of opportunities for postgraduate students, studying for Masters and Doctoral level degrees. These courses are structured in a flexible manner that allows participants to build up credit towards certificates, diplomas and Masters qualifications; a number offer opportunities for distance learning.









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    Last Updated: 12 March 2013
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