• Accommodation Services


    Accommodation Services


    If you  require home stay accommodation, you will need to organize this service before leaving home.  Please note that if you arrange and pay for home stay accommodation, you will not be able to leave within the agreed time of the contract and receive a refund.


    Most universities have student housing officers to assist with accommodation in the areas surrounding the universities.  If students wish to change accommodation while in Australia, it is preferable to seek assistance from the university initially, as they will have a better knowledge of local services.  Studyco staff will assist if requested.  The Ministry of Higher Education will not provide money for bond purposes, if students are renting premises.

    Studyco intends to provide options for specialist accommodation for students shortly and will notify all students.

    SERVICE:      Accommodation

    STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY:      Arrange home stay or other accommodation with studyco prior to leaving home. 



    The Australian Government requires all international students (and any dependants accompanying them) to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). The health cover provides for medical and hospital care within Australia from the date of students' arrival until the end of their studies in Australia.

    It is important to ensure you have continuous coverage of health insurance. If you allow your membership to lapse you will not be eligible to be reimbursed for any medical costs incurred during the lapsed period and you will be in breach of your student visa.

    New students will receive health cover cards from World Care Assist when they pick up their visas from studyco before leaving .  Studyco will automatically renew the health cover each year.




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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