• English Language Proficiency


    English Language Proficiency


    To be eligible for admission to university degree programs, in addition to academic prerequisites, international applicants for all programs are required to have an acceptable level of competence in writing, reading, speaking and understanding English.



    Students wishing to undertake undergraduate programs and postgraduate coursework are required to have an overall IELTS band score of 6 (with no individual band score of less than 5), or a TOEFL score of 550 (computer-based score of 213), including a TWE of 4.

    Students wishing to undertake research programs are required to have an overall IELTS band score of 6.5 (with no individual band score less than 6.0) or equivalent TOEFL or TWE score.

    Exceptions to the above include those degree programs taught completely in English, which have built-in English language support and/or credit award courses specifically designed to improve students' level of English.

    Other acceptable evidence of English competence includes:

    • If your first language is English, or your permanent residence is in a country where English is the official language, and you completed your secondary education/undergraduate degree via the medium of English; or
    • Successful completion Year 12 in Australia, a recognised TAFE Program in Australia or the first year of university in Australia.
    • Successful completion of the English for Academic Purposes program offered by the  Language Centre,
    • Successful completion of TAFE certificate IV of adult tertiary preparation; or
    • GCE “O” Level pass in English at the standard of “C” or better; or
    • GCE “A” Level pass in English at the standard of “D” or better; or
    • SPM pass in English at a standard of “6” or higher ; or
    • STPM pass in English at a standard of “8” or Higher ; or
    • Overall Combined Universities Language Test (CULT) score of a least 60 percent with no individual component score of less than 15; or
    • Successful completion (within the last 10 years) of a tertiary qualification (from a  approved provider) in a country where English was the language of instruction; or
    • Grade 4 or higher in English from the upper secondary school diploma ; or
    • Successful completion of an English for Academic Purposes (or equivalent) course from a  approved Australian English Language Centre (NEAS-Accredited). The exit point must be the equivalent of IELTS 6.0 or TAFE certificate IV (Advanced level); or
    • Successful completion of Cambridge Advanced English; or
    • ISLPR overall rating of “3”.

    Prospective students will be required to provide certified documentation to verify any of the above circumstances.

    If you are unable to meet the above criteria, Language Centres can provide you with English language tuition. However, to provide a convenient service for you, Studyco will refer students to ELICOS and Foundation programs offered by our educational institutions in major Australian cities.




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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