• Erican Language Centre



    Erican Language Centre

    Erican has been a premier brand in language education and training for 2 decades now, with centres spread throughout all of Peninsular Malaysia.



    All Erican customers are given quality English education training of an international-standard at an affordable and competitive rate. Erican's twenty years in the business and knowledge of efficient business practices allow us to offer quality for a price that will fit most customers' needs.

    Erican teachers are all carefully selected and trained, based on both skill and attitude. A Erican teacher must have not only a strong level of English ability but a pleasant positive attitude which is both relaxed and light-hearted, but also sensitive to individual students' needs.



    This innovative and rewarding programme prepares young Malaysians from the ages of 12 to 20 for the kinds of English they will need in everyday situations: travel, work, study, social gatherings, etc. The programme will help students to use English effectively and with confidence by giving them a grounding in the following areas of English language learning:


    Khalid Abdlrhman Ibrahim, 21, from Sudan

    I came to Malaysia to study English and Erican was my choice because of its standards in providing quality education. The teachers in Erican are very experienced and supportive. They always ensure I understand a lesson fully before moving on to the next lesson. As you may know, teachers play an important role in the classroom as they provide us the knowledge and skills necessary for life. For that I am thankful indeed to Erican for providing me with good and quality education.


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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 25 December 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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