



    The International College of Music (ICOM), Kuala Lumpur, is Asia Pacific's leading music college focusing on contemporary music.



    The ICOM music education experience is an integration of theoretical knowledge and practice of skills in various aspects of music. This includes the music production school, the music business school, the performance and music arranging school.  The ICOM learning process prepares aspiring musicians, audio and music business professionals to meet the needs and challenges of the ever-evolving industry of professional music.

    Established in November 1995, the college opened its doors to its first intake in January 1996.

    Currently, ICOM has 200 students registered in its programmes. Our courses meet the demands of the music industry, which is looking for qualified music professionals to take on the challenging roles of arranger, songwriter, producer, engineer, performer, manager, entrepreneur and a host of other creative positions. Graduates of ICOM are readily accepted by the music industry as our students are well prepared to meet the needs and demands of a thriving industry.


    Academic Programmes



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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 23 December 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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