• MAHSA College



    MAHSA University College

    MAHSA was established in earnest in the year 2005 in Pusat Bandar Damansara, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur.




    The MAHSA University College English Department was officially launched on 5th March 2007

    The English programmes at MAHSA aim to improve students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing with the aim to ensure that they are effective and efficient health care industry professionals. This is achieved via a highly interactive mode of studies, and students are encouraged to take part in all aspects of the programme. There are role plays, simulations, group activities, guided discussions, individual and group presentations using audio and video facilities.



    Sandra Oromo

    Kenya, Degree in Nursing

    ” MAHSA is a College of its own design. With a beautiful location around most essential facilities like commercial centres and with a very good infrastructure in the heart of the city, Kuala Lumpur. It is a health institute that offers a number of medical and allied health courses with all available facilities that enables a student to be competent in their skill and knowledge. The international marketing department is also very helpful and supportive of the international students. “


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    Last Updated: 25 December 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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