• Culture


    Scotland Culture

    The culture and cultural history of Scotland is extremely rich and varied.Scotland is a multicultural country. People from all around the world choose to live, work and study there. There are places of worship for many religions all across the country. Scotland’s wide range of facilities and communities reflect the many different cultures of the people who live there.


    English is the main language in Scotland. The most common languages spoken by migrants in Scotland are Urdu, Mandarin and Polish.




    The Scottish Arts Council is advised by specialist committees about funding for theaters, art galleries, musical and literary organizations, art centers, and major festivals. Almost half the budget goes to support the four national companies: Scottish Opera, Scottish Ballet, Royal National Orchestra, and Scottish Chamber Orchestra. Local authorities and economic development agencies have become major contributors. In the popular arts, self-financing and ticket charges are important.


    Performance Arts

    The national ballet, opera, and orchestras and the Edinburgh festival ensure that a high art tradition is maintained. Traditional music and dance have had a revival, sustained by dedicated groups and associations, major nationwide competitive events, and a tradition of informal music-making in pubs, along with the new popularity of the Ceilidh, a public event of traditional set dances to fiddle tunes. There is an active folk scene, and a strong popular music scene. Since the 1970s there has been a flourishing of new theaters and companies performing new works in Scots and translations of plays into that language.

    Scottish Food

    Scotland is renowned all over the world for its famous cheese, shellfish (lobsters and oysters), dairy products, Aberdeen-Angus, a breed of beef cattle known for its rich and tasty meat, and Scotch whisky. The latter is famous all over the world and brings huge income to Scotland.


    Scottish people are very fond of sports and it forms a very essential part of their culture. Though, Scotland is renowned as the home of golf, but Scottish people follow soccer with great passion. England is their favorite soccer opponent. Scots also enjoy traditional sports like hammer throwing, tossing the pole, light and heavy athletics and Scottish wrestling which is performed at clan gatherings.


    The basis of Scottish clothing is tartan and kilt. A kilt is a traditional dress made of tartan patterns (interlocked horizontal and vertical stripes in multiple colors). The Scottish kilt is worn by both men and women, as a formal dress on special occasions or at Highland games or events.


    Scotland is a multicultural country that respects religious beliefs.There are places of worship for numerous religions across Scotland. These religions include:
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Buddhism
    • Jewish
    • Sikhism
    • Hinduism



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    Last Updated: 17 January 2013
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