• Work for Students


    Work for Students in Scotland

    Working while studying

    Most students are allowed  to do some work while studying in Scotland. However, different rules apply depending on whether you're a student from a European Economic Area (EEA) country, or an international student from a non - EEA country.As an international student you could be eligible to work, as well as study, in Scotland.



    Students from EEA countries

    Students who are from the following EEA countries can work without permission from the UK Border Agency; Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,Sweden and the United Kingdom.Switzerland is not in the EEA but Swiss students can also work in Scotland without permission.Bulgarian and Romanian students may take employment for up to 20 hours per week during term-time and full-time during official vacations from their course but they require a registration certificate confirming their student status.

    International students from non EEA countries

    General (adult) students who are on a degree level course or above, at a UK Higher Education Institution, are allowed to work:

    • No more than 20 hours per week during term-time
    • Full-time during vacations
    • On a work placement as part of their course other than part-time work
    • As a student union sabbatical officer for up to two years

    General (adult) students on a course at SCQF level 6-8 (including at Scottish Baccalaureate and Higher National Diploma level) at a Higher Education Institution, are allowed to work:

    • No more than 10 hours per week during term-time
    • Full-time during vacations
    • On a work placement as part of their course other than part-time work
    • As a student union sabbatical officer for up to two years

    General (adult) students who are on a course of study at any level at a publicly funded further education college, are allowed to work:

    • No more than 10 hours per week during term-time
    • Full-time during vacations
    • On a work placement as part of their course other than part-time work
    • As a student union sabbatical officer for up to two years

    After studying - graduate employment

    Post Study Work Scheme (Fresh Talent Initiative) The Scottish Executive highlighted the value that is placed on international students in the Fresh Talent Initiative. One important part of this activity aims to encourage international students to stay in Scotland after their studies for a period of work experience. A two year visa extension can be granted to facilitate this for students graduating from Scottish universities and colleges with an HND or a degree (you must study 1 year full time in Scotland and completed the relevant course within the last 12 months ). More information on the Scottish Executive's Fresh Talent Initiative can be found at www.scotlandistheplace.com or the Home Office's website (under ‘Work in the UK).



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 07 January 2013
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