• Coventry



    Coventry  is a city and metropolitan borough in the county of West Midlands in England. Coventry is the 12th largest UK city overall. It is also the second largest city in the West Midlands, after Birmingham. Historically within Warwickshire, Coventry is situated 95 miles (153 km) northwest of central London and 19 miles (31 km) east-southeast of Birmingham, and is further from the coast than any other city in Britain. Surrounded by breathtaking Warwickshire countryside, Coventry's city centre provides a perfect contrast to the rural suburbs of leafy Kenilworth, Warwick, Rugby and Stratford-upon-Avon.

    Coventry has a mild temperate climate with all four seasons and no extremes of temperature. Rainfall is on the high side of moderate and fairly consistent throughout the year. Summer, from mid June till mid September, is unquestionably the most pleasant time of year in Coventry. The average high temperature gets to 17°C in June and September, peaking in July and August at 21°C. Night time temperatures remain cool, sitting at 9°C in June and September and 12°C in the peak months. Autumn, from mid October till mid November, is cool and changeable. The average high temperature drops to 13°C in October and 9°C in November. The average low temperature drops to 7°C and 3°C respectively and it can fall below freezing quite early in November. Winter, from mid November till early March, is a bit dismal. The average high temperature drops to 6°C and December and January, creeps to 7°C in February and 9°C in March. The average low temperature gets down to 1°C from December till February and rises to 3°C in March. Spring, from mid March till mid June, is mild and unpredictable. The average high temperature rises from 9°C in March to 12°C in April and 15°C in May. Night time temperatures remain very cool till the end of May.

    Coventry is the birthplace of the British cycle and motor industry. Discover the fascinating story behind the development of road transport from the earliest cycles to the fastest cars on earth.Coventry Transport Museum's unique collection has been ‘designated' as a collection of national importance. So with over 240 cars, commercial vehicles and buses, 94 motorcycles, 200 cycles, 25,000 models and around 1 million archive and ephemera items, you are sure to have a Great Day Out at one of the Midlands' best attractions. The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is named after Sir Alfred Herbert, a local industrialist who founded Alfred Herbert Limited, at one time the world's largest machine toolmaking company.

    Coventry is now well established as a major conference and business events destination with the latest industry research (‘British Meetings & Events Industry Survey 2009’) ranking it as the 10th most popular destination amongst event organisers, its location making it accessible for not only businesses but also attendees, boosting visitor attendance. Coventry is a resilient city with many economic strengths and a strong skills base to take advantage of opportunities for further growth. Renowned for its manufacturing and engineering excellence, Coventry’s revival in the mid  1990s was based on moving towards high-technology activity and is now focusing on new opportunities in the science, medical and environmental sectors. Coventry is home to many blue chip companies including E.ON and Jaguar Land Rover. Coventry is more diverse than England in terms of different religions or beliefs held by its residents.



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    Last Updated: 10 January 2013
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