• MAHSA University College



    MAHSA University College



    The Faculty was formed with its Founding Dean, Professor Dr. Ahmad bin Mahmud, in April 2009, when the then MAHSA College was upgraded to MAHSA University College in March 2009.  MAHSA University College has since been upgraded to MAHSA University effective from 7 Dec 2012.

    At the moment the Faculty is offering 2 programmes i.e. Diploma in Pharmacy (DPharm) and Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) programmes.  The first batch of DPharm students was enrolled in January 2006 when we were known as MAHSA College, and as of January 2012, we have 26 batches already.  The pioneer batch of the BPharm (Hons) degree students Batch 1 (2011) was enrolled in September 2011 consisting of 61 students (including 7 International students).

    This website and all its information is dedicated to all our students, our graduates, potential students, staff and lecturers.







    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 13 February 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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