• MAHSA University College-Business



    Mahsa Business School

    Mahsa University College School of business empowers students with such skills that will enable them to deal with the real world business nationally and globally.  Mahsa University College emphasizes not only meritocracy in education but resilience, initiative, optimism and adaptability- the bench marks set by today’s captains of industries in their recruitment drives.


    A special feature of all our programs is the practical industry experience (PIE), which means our students are working ready when they graduate. Our practical industry experience includes research projects, organizational problem solving projects and an internship. Hence, you can graduate with a combination of theoretical and practical skills that are so demanded by employers. We pride ourselves in producing industry ready graduates.


    Programmes Offered





    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 02 March 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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