• University of Dundee, Education


    Education at University of Dundee

    University of Dundee School of Education, Social Work and Community Education

    Nurturing a vibrant, dynamic, international and inter-disciplinary community is at the heart of what they do in promoting excellence in the professions of teaching, social work and community education.


    With experienced and committed staff who have considerable field experience; world-class information and communication technology resources; together with a new purpose-built teaching facility that is second to none, the School of Education, Social Work and Community Education offers an exciting and rewarding environment for undergraduate and postgraduate study and research.

    Ranked amongst the UK's leaders in professional education, they offer a range of learning and research opportunities. From qualifying and post-qualifying programmes that are professionally recognised, to continuing professional development courses that meet the needs of busy professionals, to research opportunities that use rigorous scientific enquiry that underpin curriculum development while informing national policy making

    Through their well established distance learning expertise the School reaches out at an international level to build capacity and expertise within these professions.

    Student Testimonial

    Ashley Bell from Dundee graduated in 2011 with a BEd in Primary Education

    During my course, I've been impressed with the broad range of knowledge and skills that are taught, the balance between theory and practical work and the invaluable support given throughout.

    Throughout the last three years the school placements I have been on have provided me with the opportunity to apply my learning in a real life context, to learn from experienced practioners in the field and to receive detailed feedback from both University and school staff.




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 12 March 2013
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