• University of Dundee, Engineering


    Engineering at University of Dundee

    Engineering, Physics and Mathematics at the University of Dundee

    The School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics offers a wide range of innovative degrees plus professionally-accredited traditional degrees, at BSc, BEng, MEng, MSci, MSc, MRes, PGDip and PhD levels, via our divisions.

    Undergraduate Degrees

    Some of these degrees can be combined with courses in other disciplines.

    Taught Postgraduate Degrees

    Civil Engineering

    Electronic Engineering, Physics & Renewable Energy


    Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics


    Postgraduate Degrees by Research

    Student testimonial

    Vithiea Pang, from Cambodia, is an MSc student in Earthquake and Offshore Geotechnical Engineering

    "I was extremely attracted to the course at Dundee, firstly because it was constantly ranked top 10 in the higher education league tables. Secondly, I love how specialised it is, as very few universities offer such speciality in Earthquake and Offshore Engineering. The course taught me how to solve real-life challenging problems, not to mention the strong industry linkage with my future employer - Subsea 7.

    I was impressed with the thorough communication with the Course Director prior to the start of the course, during which I was able to express my preference and learn about the teaching contents.

    Overall I love the University, with top-class standard facilities - Library, Institute of Sports and Exercise, learning environment (i.e. classrooms, teaching materials), and they are easily accessible.

    I found it pretty easy to settle down in Dundee when I first arrived, and now I call it home!"




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 12 March 2013
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