• University of Dundee, Science


    Science at University of Dundee

    Life Sciences at the University of Dundee

    Excellence in teaching

    The academic and support staff of the School of Learning and Teaching provide dedicated support for undergraduates and efficient management of degree programmes, introduce new topics and develop innovative approaches to teaching and learning. Research staff bring their subjects to life by describing the latest discoveries and introducing students to the excitement of modern research in well-equipped laboratories. They pay constant attention to the relevance of their teaching to the world of work and students are in great demand with 78% in employment within 6 months of graduating.

    International recognition in research

    With more than 1000 staff and research students and external funding in excess of £30 million per year, the College of Life Sciences is one of the largest and most productive research institutes in Europe. Their reputation is genuinely global and is reflected in the fact that researchers in their laboratories represent no fewer than 58 different nationalities. Yet Dundee is no ivory tower. Their research is having a major impact on the economy of Tayside by stimulating the regional biotechnology industry which currently accounts for 16% of the local economy. They collaborate with the world’s major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the fight against diseases such as cancer, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Their Drug Discovery Unit is actively developing drugs for the treatment of neglected tropical diseases including malaria and African sleeping sickness and translating innovative drug targets in oncology, eczema, type-2 diabetes, anti-bacterials and anti-virals. Their Microbiology and Plant Sciences research groups are involved in major environmental issues like the assessment of the occurrence and impacts of toxic blue-green algal blooms in lochs, reservoirs and rivers throughout the world, the development of new bio-fuels and bio-energy generation.

    Subject Areas

    In order to maximize their ability to deliver a high quality learning experience for undergraduate students, the School of Learning and Teaching has dedicated academic, technical and clerical staff who specialize in all aspects of learning and teaching support. All of their degree programmes are enriched by contributions from internationally renowned research scientists who ensure that the learning opportunities are at the cutting edge of current knowledge. They make extensive use of the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment so that students have off-campus access to learning materials and an electronic gateway by which they may seek additional help and information from staff. It is this powerful combination of specialist teachers, specialist researchers and modern resources that allows them to provide degree programmes that enable our graduates to compete successfully in the careers market place.

    Student Testimonial

    Michelle, from Coventry, is currently studying for a BSc in Neuroscience.

    “The University of Dundee has always done well in the university tables, what interested me was its excellence in research throughout the Life Sciences department. When I visited on the open day, I knew this was the place for me, and with the best student union in Scotland you are guaranteed a good time at uni!”




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    Last Updated: 13 March 2013
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