• Bellerbys College


    Bellerbys College

    Bellerbys College is internationally renowned as the most experienced international college in the UK. For over half a century we have been helping international students achieve excellent results, access top universities and go on to career success. Their international colleges are known for excellent teaching, quality university preparation courses and modern facilities.



    • Pre-GCSE/GCSE
    • A Level
    • Pre_masters
    • Masters Qualifying Programme (MQP)
    • Diploma in Business and Management
    • Bellerbys Summer
    • IELTS Express
    • IELTS tests
    • Bellerbys Foundation
    • Art and Design Foundation
    • Business, Finance and Management Foundation
    • Engineering Foundation
    • Humanities Foundation
    • Management & Computing Systems Foundation
    • Law Foundation
    • Media Foundation
    • Science and Pharmacy Foundation

    With more than 50 years of teaching excellence at Bellerbys College, and over 20 years of experience helping international students achieve their ambitions, they have seen their pupils win places at every university in Britain. At Bellerbys, they offer their students the help of experienced, dedicated university counsellors, who are employed full-time to help you select the right university. They work closely with colleagues in our partner university admissions departments to monitor the progress of each individual application. Each student is assigned a personal tutor to help them with their university application.


    • Brighton
    • Cambridge
    • London
    • Oxford
    Student testimonial
    Foundation Science, Nigerian

    What I most am enjoying/enjoyed about my time at Bellerbys was the warm hospitality from staff and fellow students. Making friends and being able to learn in a comfortable environment. Awesome teacher - student relationship as well as excellent facilities, laboratories and great technology. All these put together brought out the scientist in me. Bellerbys is helping/helped prepare me for my further studies by … giving me the knowledge I need as a pre requisite for my university studies. Also preparing me to be stronger and more independent. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Bellerbys because… I have become a better person both morally and academically thanks to Bellerbys.









    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 06 April 2013
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