• Eynesbury College

  • Eynesbury College

    Eynesbury is a specialist pre-university institution helping students towards their goal of university entrance. Founded in 1989, Eynesbury offers international students a comprehensive range of pre-university and English pathway programs to the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia. This means that, with the help of our qualified counsellors, students are able to design the best and shortest path towards their study goals.

    The Eynesbury Coglin Street and Franklin Street campuses are located in the heart of the city of Adelaide and within walking distance to the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia. The campuses offer wireless technology throughout, kitchen facilities, quiet study areas, student computers and break-out areas for studying or relaxing.


    • Academic and General English
    • Eynesbury College Senior Secondary Years 10, 11 and 12
    • Certificate IV Tertiary Preparation Program
    • Diploma of Business
    • Diploma of Computing and Information Technology
    • Diploma of Engineering
    • Foundation Studies Program
    • University Transition Program


    16-20 Coglin Street Adelaide, SA, 5000 Australia
    15-19 Franklin Street Adelaide, SA, 5000 Australia
    Website: www.eynesbury.navitas.com
    Telephone: +61 8 8302 2031


    Educational Enterprise Australia PTY LTD CRICOS Provider Code 02193C 
    The University of Adelaide CRICOS Provider Code 00123M                          
    UNISA CRICOS Provider Code 00121B



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 27 April 2013
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