• Tasmania




    Tasmania is an island state located 240 kilometres south of mainland Australia. Tasmania is easily accessible thanks to daily flights from the cities of Hobart and Launceston to other Australian cities including Sydney and Melbourne. A ferry between Melbourne and Devonport in the North West of the state also transports passengers and vehicles. Tasmania is a popular destination and is well known for its natural beauty, fantastic food and wine, vibrant arts scene and many National Parks and World Heritage sites.  

    A population of over 500,000 means that the island is big enough to offer a range of cosmopolitan goods and services, while small enough to have a strong sense of community and safety.  The capital city Hobart is the commercial centre of the state and is home to around 210,000 people. In 2012, the Lonely Planet travel guide rated Hobart in the top ten cities in the world to visit in 2013. Launceston is the state’s second biggest city, with a population of over 105,000.



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    Last Updated: 18 February 2013
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