• Abbey College in London


    Abbey College in London


    Abbey College in London is an independent college offering an exciting and varied range of courses to help students gain places at top UK universities.
    Students benefit from learning in small groups, and from a teaching and administrative staff committed to giving students individual help and advice covering all aspects of their educational needs.





    Academic Courses

    • GCSE & IGCSE Level Courses
    • AS & A Level Courses
    • Foundation / Access Level Courses
    • Medical Foundation Courses
    • Pre-Masters Programms


    English Language Courses

    Abbey College in London has a range of general and more specialist English Language courses which can be taken separately or as part of a combined programme.


    Download a Brochure


    Abbey College in London


    Abbey College in London  

    Course Fees




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 08 June 2013
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