• Abbey College in Malvern


    Abbey College in Malvern


    Since its establishment, Abbey College has provided a magnificent setting for students from many different countries. Their spacious and peaceful 70 acre campus provides the backdrop for students to focus on achieving excellent academic results, whilst allowing them to provide a large range of sporting and social activities and a high level of residential care.





    Academic Courses

    • GCSE & IGCSE Level Courses
    • AS & A Level Courses
    • Foundation / Access Level Courses

    English Language Courses

    • English All Year
    • The Easter and Summer courses
    Download a Brochure


    "We are a privately-run school in the town of Malvern in central England, offering various high-quality and flexible programmes. These are in both the Academic field at pre-university level (IGCSE, A Levels and Foundation courses) and in the English language field. All courses are offered on a coeducational, fully residential basis and we are accredited and recognised by the appropriate regulating bodies."
    Student Testimonial
    Student testimonial "When I joined Abbey College I was worried that my English was not good enough to study a British curriculum, but within 9 months I had passed 7 GCSEs and been accepted to study A Levels at a UK school."



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 08 June 2013
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