• Abbey College in Malvern, Summer School


    Abbey College in Malvern, Summer School


    Since 1969, Abbey College has been running high-quality, all inclusive Easter and Summer English Language courses. These programmes provide an excellent opportunity to combine learning English with the benefit of activities, cultural excursions and sports tuition in a fun, residential environment. Their outstanding fully residential 70 acre (28 hectare) campus in central England has everything the student needs in one of the safest locations in the country. Over 40 different nationalities, represented in one of the largest residential summer schools in England, ensures Abbey College provides an excellent international atmosphere.





    Separate courses are designed for Adults(18+), Teens (12-17) and Children (8-11). All students receive over 16 hours per week of general English tuition from EFL course teachers.

    Courses for Families: The English courses and facilities available at Abbey College offers an opportunity for whole families to enjoy a holiday in England, while at the same time participating in a well-organised programme of English lessons, social activities and cultural excursions.
    Courses for Groups:  An increasingly popular way of studying languages abroad is for groups of students of any age, from the same country, to travel and stay together as a group. In this way they gain all the benefits of being with friends and a group leader whilst at the same time mixing with their many nationalities on-campus.
    LONDON AND MALVERN DU AL CENTRE COURSES:  These courses are available for groups who wish to divide their time between our two colleges (Malvern and London). 


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    "Separate courses are designed for Adults (18+), Teens (12-17) and Children (8-11). Students can begin courses at the start of any week within the course dates. All students receive over 16 hours per week of general English tuition from EFL course teachers. Leisure and social activities are prepared and supervised by our dedicated social and sports staff, with a wide variety available on-campus."



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 08 June 2013
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