• Abbey College in Malvern, Medicine Charles


    Abbey College in Malvern, Medicine Charles


    The one year Foundation Course of Medical takes place at Abbey college in Malvern in central England, 50 minutes south of Brimingham and around two hours from London and Manchester by car or by train. The site of the college has been a seat of learning since 1874. It is an approved centre for examination boards on the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, London, the Northern Universities (J.M.B), the A.E.B and the main G.C.S.E. boards. 



    The college is regularly inspected by a number of organisations such as The British Council, European Schools Services, B.A.C. and OFSTED. The Abbey is also a member of professional associations such as A.R.E.L.S and its efficiency is recognized by the British Accrediation Council for Further and Higher Education.

    The Foundation Course includes tuition in Mathematics, Computer Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and English (if necessary). Optional lessons are usually offered in Latin and Czech language, and optional trips are organized annually to the Czech Republic to view the faculties at a cost of approximately £300. Class sizes are small – 10 per class on average – maximising the attention that each student receives in a tutorial system.

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    Last Updated: 08 June 2013
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