• Associate Degree



    Associate Degree

    Access to the qualification of Associate Degree

    Candidates typically hold the equivalent of satisfactory completion of Year 12 in an Australian school system or equivalent and are expected to demonstrate potential to undertake work at this level. In some circumstances relevant prior work can be recognised, particularly where appropriate work of an advanced nature has been undertaken.

    Distinguishing features

    The qualification, by its nature, is linked or articulated to a university degree in the same broad field of study, so that satisfactory completion of the associate degree would give a student the equivalent of two years’ advanced standing toward a degree of the university in the same broad field of study as that covered by the associate degree.

    Notional duration
    Because candidates hold a range of relevant skills and knowledge, the duration of programmes vary. A typical associate degree programme, however, would be expected to require the equivalent of two years of full-time study.

    Characteristics of learning outcomes

    • Preparation for the acquisition of a systematic and coherent body of knowledge, the underlying principles and concepts, and the associated problem-solving techniques.
    • Development of academic skills and attitudes needed to comprehend and evaluate new information, concepts and evidence from a range of sources.
    • The application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts in relation to either varied or highly specific functions.
    • Breadth, depth and complexity involving analysis, diagnosis, design, planning, execution and evaluation across a broad range of technical and/or management functions including development of new criteria or applications of knowledge or procedures.
    • Applications involve significant judgement in planning design, technical or leadership/guidance functions related to products, services, operations or procedures.
    • The degree of emphasis on breadth as against depth of knowledge and skills may vary between qualifications granted at this level.

    Examples of programs leading to the qualification

    Associate Degree in Social Science Associate Degree in Arts Associate Degree in Science
    Associate Degree in Engineering Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies)



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    Last Updated: 15 January 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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