• Canning College Foundation









    Canning College

    Canning College offers a wide range of high quality courses to help students aged 17 and over prepare for University and TAFE, improve their career prospects and explore areas of interest. Founded in 1982, Canning College boasts an extraordinary success rate for students continuing their education at university:

    • 423 Canning College graduates gained a place at university in 2011. Of these, 236 were invited to study at Curtin University and 117 were invited to study at the University of Western Australia.
    • Through the Diploma of Commerce program 57 students were offered a place straight into second year Commerce at the University of Western Australia or at Curtin University of Technology in 2011.

    There are many more impressive stories of Canning College students following their dream path, whether that is entering university, TAFE, the workforce or achieving personal goals. The friendly staff at Canning College help make these dreams a reality through a supportive, nurturing adult environment. programs have expanded to provide the opportunities to complete education at a Year 10 and Year 11 level, nationally recognised Certificates, Pre-Diploma and First Year University level courses.

    Year 12

    The Preparatory Program has been specially designed to meet the needs of international students. It is offered in two modes: January Entry and April Entry. Both courses finish in November. The January intake is a standard program which is suitable for all students who meet minimum entry requirements. April intake is a discrete express course for above average students.

    Course Duration

    January entry: 11 months (January - November)
    April entry: 8 months (April - November)

    Estimated Total Course Cost

    January Entry(11 months): AUD$15,525.00


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 20 March 2013
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