• QIBT Foundation

  • Foundation at QIBT

    The Certificate IV in University Foundation Studies and the Postgraduate Qualifying Program are Griffith University’s bridging programs. They are designed in consultation with Griffith University and are moderated by the university. QIBT Diploma programs are based on the first year of the equivalent Griffith University Bachelor degree program. In choosing to study at QIBT, you will be receiving a Diploma of the highest quality that is moderated by Griffith University. QIBT offers a university foundation program which provides a bridge between secondary school and undergraduate studies. We have designed the Certificate IV in University Foundation Studies to adequately prepare you for entry to university level programs in Commerce, Design, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Engineering, Health, Science, Arts and Education fields.

    This program prepares students for entry to the first year of a Griffith University Bachelor degree. When you successfully complete the foundation program, you may choose to start one of the QIBT Diploma programs. This will give you 80 credit points for entry to the second year of the relevant Bachelor degree program at Griffith University. To move from the Certificate IV to a Griffith University Bachelor degree you need to achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4.5. This allows you to enter the majority of Griffith University’s Bachelor degree programs. For programs in high demand, you may need a higher GPA. Upon successful completion of the Certificate IV program, you can also progress to a QIBT Diploma program and then articulate into the second year of the relevant Bachelor degree program at Griffith University.

    Entry requirement

    Entry into the Certificate IV program generally requires the successful completion of Year 11 or equivalent.

    5.5 (with no sub-score below 5.0) 


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
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