• After Graduation

  • After Graduation

    After you have graduated in the UK you have several options open to you and choosing the right path is not always an easy thing to do. The most common course for most international students is to either return home, or look for work in the UK. But, you have many options and you should explore each one to work out which is the best route for you. The main options for students after they graduate from studying in the UK are:

    Graduate School
    For some students with the studying "bug", you may want to further your education and this is most typically done at graduate school to study for your MBA, Ph.D. or other postgraduate course.

    Job Search
    Looking for work is one popular options, especially for international students as some may have large debts and will want to pay them back. Whether you return home or try and stay in the UK you will need some assistance to get that killer job!



    Returning Home
    If you decide to return home there are going to be many hurdles you will face, especially if you come from a country that is very different to the UK. Learn how to cope with "reverse culture shock" and other things that will come in your path when you return home.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 29 February 2012
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