• Boarding Schools

  • Boarding Schools in the UK

    The Boarding Schools’ Association is the United Kingdom Association serving and representing member boarding schools, training staff and promoting boarding education.

    Boarding schools have changed considerably in the last 20 years and today they are a very comfortable, home-from-home. Schools have become much more flexible too with weekly boarding and flexi-boarding options now more frequently available. Those pupils who board tend to have greater access to the wonderful facilities on offer; they learn to develop independence at a young age; and they often make friendships that will last a lifetime. Far from "missing out" on life at home, boarders often learn to appreciate, rather than take for granted, what home life has to offer.

    High quality boarding at the lowest possible cost

    SBSA (State Boarding Schools Association) schools provide high quality boarding at the lowest possible cost. You pay only the cost of boarding as the education at SBSA schools is free. This means that rather than paying £25,000+ a year for an independent boarding school, you would probably be paying less than £10,000 a year at a state boarding school.

    Excellent results

    Each year, state boarding schools regularly out-perform other state schools with many topping academic league tables around the country. The combination of the excellent state-funded education and a stable boarding community enables pupils to make the most of their talents and abilities.

    The best of boarding care

    Increasingly, parents are considering state boarding schools ahead of boarding in the independent sector as they see they can get the education and pastoral care they are seeking for a fraction of the cost. And when you visit these schools you can see why. The facilities are excellent and the quality of teaching is frequently judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. The demand for places at these school is so great that the Government is increasing the number places available by introducing boarding to some schools and expanding the facilities at others.



    Variety of schools

    Most schools are 11-18 schools, though there is one 13-18 school, two which offer Primary Boarding as well as Secondary Boarding and one 11-16 school with a nearby Sixth Form College. Most schools are mixed, but there are a small number of girls' schools or boys' schools.


    Admission to State Boarding Schools in the UK is limited to children who are nationals of the UK and are eligible to hold a full UK passport, or those who are nationals of other European Union countries or those who have the right of residence in the UK. Please note that the holding of a BN(O) passport does not make the child eligible for a State Boarding School in the UK. 

    Boarding schools are classified based on their location:


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 29 February 2012
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