• University of Dundee


    University of Dundee

    There have been many changes since the University became an independent institution in 1967 following a 70 year relationship with the University of St Andrews but the fundamental aims remain. "to advance and diffuse knowledge, wisdom and understanding by teaching and research and by the example and influence of its corporate life." Today these aims translate as excellence in teaching and research and contributing to the social, economic and cultural life in Scotland and continue to focus the University as it powers forward as one of the UK's top institutions for teaching and research across a broad range of disciplines.



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    The University of Dundee offers a range of around 500 courses, from university-entry level to advanced specialist training for professionals.



    Student testimonial
    Student testimonial "I had not studied for a while and so I found juggling a full time post, kids, family and home a challenge, but distance learning was ideal and I found completing the modules fairly straightforward and I enjoyed the mode of delivery and time frames"



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 03 February 2013
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