• ANU Scholarship

  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)

    Field of Study

    The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) are available for study leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy or to a Master of Philosophy and are funded by the Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR). Because competition for the scholarships is intense, at ANU they are not awarded for study at the Master degree level. Successful applicants will study in areas in which the University has shown a particular research concentration.

    This is a Tuition Fee Scholarship

    Other Benefits

    Three years full-time, with two possible six month extensions (subject to change by DIISR).

    Take Up By
    31 March

    Eligible Program(s)
    PhD, Professional Doctorate by Research

    Bachelors degree with first-class honours, or a research Masters degree from a recognised university; International Students. Applicants who have applied and been unsuccessful for an IPRS in previous years are ineligible to apply.

    ANU University Research Scholarship

    The University funds a number of scholarships for Doctor of Philosophy or Professional Doctorate by research.

    Field of Study

    A$22,860.00 (2011 rate) per annum tax free, in fortnightly payments

    Other benefits
    Travel to Canberra from within Australia, reimbursement of some removal expenses, thesis reimbursement allowance.

    Eligible Program(s)
    PhD, Professional Doctorate by Research

    ANU PhD Scholarship

    A number of ANU PhD Scholarships which provide a stipend are funded by Colleges. It is normal for recipients to undertake study on a full-time basis. However, in accordance with strict criteria, the scholarship can be awarded for part-time study. International scholars must undertake study on a full-time basis.

    Field of Study

    A$22,860.00 (2011 rate) per annum tax free, in fortnightly payments

    Other benefits
    Travel to Canberra from within Australia, reimbursement of some removal expenses, thesis reimbursement allowance.

    Three years full-time, with a possible six-month extension

    Eligible Program(s)
    PhD, Professional Doctorate by Research

    Bachelors degree with at least upper second-class honours, or a Masters degree with a research component or equivalent. first-class honours, or a research Masters degree from a recognized university; Australian and and New Zealand Citizens; Permanent Resident of Australia; International student. Applicants must have submitted an Application for Admission to the ANU.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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