• Adelaide Scholarship

  • University of Adelaide Scholarship

    Undergraduate Scholarships

    Scholarship applications for undergraduate students who want to start their study at the University of Adelaide in 2012 will open in September/October 2011. Scholarships that will be available in 2012 include:

    • Adelaide Outstanding Achiever Scholarships International
    • Business, Law and Economics Undergraduate Scholarships

    Background information is available for undergraduate scholarships. More information will be made available when applications open in September/October.

    Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships

    Scholarship applications for postgraduate coursework students who want to start their study at the University of Adelaide in 2012 will open in September/October 2011. Scholarships that will be available in 2012 include:

    • Adelaide Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships International
    • Australian Leadership Awards
    • Australian Development Scholarships
    • Australia Awards (Africa)
    • Business, Economics and Law Postgraduate Scholarships
    • MBA Incentive Awards
    • ICEWaRM Scholarships
    • Chile Government Bicentennial Scholarships
    • Mawson Lakes Fellowship Programs

    Background informationis available for postgraduate coursework scholarships. More information will be made available when applications open in September/October.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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